Dog Christmas Wrapping Paper What's The Cutest Thing Your Dog's Done This Christmas?

What's the cutest thing your dog's done this Christmas? - dog christmas wrapping paper

Last night, my Foxhound / Lab mix has been in a deep sleep on the sofa, and I was in the gym. Suddenly I heard the pack jumped from the sofa and went into the dining room and played with the wrapping paper! It's like an annual ritual with her! It is simply not Christmas until we have time to play with the wrapping paper:)

But the last one this morning. I got up, walked into the room and saw my dog means in the rigid, moaning. Every year I make a new squeaky toys and everything in the half. But this year I ran out of time to go to Petco so I thought it would be after Christmas and they know the difference ... I guess I was wrong! I could not believe that he knew that the media ... There were 10 half above the fireplace, but she looked directly at them in half. I felt very bad when I recorded the average and showed him there was nothing there: (But I did, Turkey giblets) always wants to know how he knew it, "Today is Christmas, but because of their cocking was for 2 weeks! (My impression is that his reference, filled the other half)

Merry Christmas to all! :)


<3Animal Lover =3 said...

LOL, that's nice! I have a 3 months old border collie named Finn.

Story 1:
When I came home from school one days in early December, my mother said something very funny. She said that the Finns took one of the branches of our artificial Christmas tree and began to run around the tree with the branch in the mouth. The tree, turned around!

Story 2:
You see, I have a cat who is always under the Christmas tree, sometimes up to him. Then climb, one day, trying to Finn! To make almost all the decorations and the tree! It was fun and cute!

Dogs are soo cute and funny. Merry Christmas!

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